(Tweeted 2.20.2014)
God-fucked and flung to ground,
Groping without grasp;
Clinging to the specter
of divine deliverance.
“and he who made kittens…”
– Ian Anderson – Bungle in the Jungle
(tweeted 02.19.2014)
God placed the apple in Eden knowing;
Let loose the snake.
Condemned to everlasting
for a bite he knew we’d take.
I am a monster of my own making;
molded to the mask,
collecting quarters for the carousel,
dying to get off.
An(al) Acrostic
Studied in storied academe,
hallowed to entice
in prolix eruditions
though one word would suffice.
Void Life
void life() { while(breathing) { wake; walk; work; walk; weep; } }
(tweeted 02/11/2014)
Ghost God of the dying promise,
Distant tyrant:
Take this my body that is broken by you
and forgive me trespass into shadows of doubt.
25 Years
for Lisa
I find my love in neither flame nor flower,
but templed in solid stone.
Tempered by time and circumstance;
Glowing in the reflected light of years:
I find my love in strong limbed children;
In stirred air and beating wings;
In eager minds and fledgling passions;
In the pains of new people, real and becoming.
I find my love in incessant dogs barking;
In stubbed toes and heatless conflicts;
In a tumult of trivialities;
In the mundane flows of eventless days.
I find you My Love, changed yet unchanging,
flame to a stone hearth,
a field full of flowers,
a bed, and a home.
I stand here, My Love,
just as lost as you found me,
warted and broken,
but, Nevermore alone.
Without a Trace
Black stand on a white field frozen
Distant Sol mocks promise unfulfilled.
Crystal fallen jests reflected
Reject booted traveler and trace.
Not Rhetorical
What more is man
than a fiction of clay:
A tale told in time,
in time taken away?
Throw Away Tweet
In limerick lilt
or lyric foreboding,
I hope someday to
say something worth quoting.